Many international students are overwhelmed and experience loneliness due to many new impressions like a new culture, language, social system, interpersonal expectations, …
Help us to help!
With your financial donation you support us in helping international students, scholars & researchers in their vulnerable and needy situations to overcome the cultural and linguistic barriers.

Make a Donation …
… or set up a standing order using the following bank details:
Donations Account: Hilfe die ankommt
IBAN: AT66 1200 0516 0720 0373
Giving-Reference: Connecting Cultures
You can also make a donation through PayPal. Please visit our project partner and make sure to select Connecting Cultures as a project.
Tax deductibility …
… for Austrian tax payers!
Connecting Cultures – Freundschaft verbindet is part of an officially registered charity organisation in Austria (registration number SO-1609).
Find more information at

Collect donations
Use moving occasions in your life to help internationals. Activate your friends and acquaintances to do good for international students, scholars and researchers!
Become active yourself!
For example, we help you to collect money privately on your birthday or wedding anniversary.